A: $85, payable online with credit card
A. To meet the state teaching requirement for knowledge of the U.S. Constitution, you need to have one of the following:
1) a BA/BS from a CSU campus
2) passed a two semester unit course on the Constitution
3) passed an approved university exam on the Constitution
Note: If you're not sure if you have met the requirement, see your Credentials Analyst for details
A: Yes. But while the exam is accepted by the CTC for direct application, California teacher education programs have the prerogative to decide which tests they will accept for their recommendees.
A: The best way is to check with your Credentials Analyst. If you can't get an answer, contact us, tell us which university you are enrolled in, and we can either tell you, or we will contact your Analyst for you.
Note: They may not be aware that USConstitutionExam.com is an easy and convenient option!
A: You should work through the learning modules, read the Constitution and take the quizzes. Depending on your level of familiarity with the Constitution, follow the suggestions for further preparation in each module until you feel you're ready. If you want, take the practice test to see how you do.
A: It depends on your level of previous preparation and how much time you want to put into it. Some people blow through the quizzes in 30 minutes without preparation and the final exam in 25-35 minutes. Others take their time reading the materials before each quiz, take the practice test and use the review ques for the questions they miss. Test takers from abroad may want to use the suggestions for further reading for more comprehensive study. The final exam can be completed in 25-35 minutes.
A: Absolutely. Review the materials, take the practice test again and use the answers and suggestions. Go to the recommended reading lists. Use the charts and illustrations. Try it again. Take it a third time if you wish. There is no additional fee for the two retakes.
A: In exchange for the exam fee, we provide the exam and the relevant testing software, plus the tools and resources you need to pass. There is no guarantee that you will pass, but most participants pass on the first or second try. You are allowed three attempts, but if you don't pass, no refunds are tendered.
A: Two reasons:
1. Research has shown that participants get more out of an assessment experience if they do some preparation with punctuated, stepped assessments
2. Studies have shown that identity validation (insuring the person who signed up is taking the exam) is much stronger with a learning module system, and this makes program sponsors (like your university or local education agency) happy.
A: Absolutely. Simply include the Certificate of Passing with the documents you send to the CTC with your application. [If the CTC requires you to secure a recommendation from a California university, then check with your Credentials Analyst first.]
A: Yes! You have unlimited access and can come and go as you please. One exception: once you begin the final exam the exam closes after 35 minutes or if you try to leave the exam.
A: Unlike multiple choice, multiple answer questions use check boxes instead of radio buttons and have the possibility of more than one answer.
Example: Which of the following were Presidents of the United States: a) John Adams b) John Hancock c) John Henry d) John Kennedy. If you choose any answers besides a) AND d), or fail to choose both a) and d) the question is scored as incorrect. Multiple answer questions are clearly marked on the exam.
A: No, the timer is continuous. This creates a level playing field, and therefore a more accurate and effective assessment. Choose a time where you will have an uninterrupted block of time. We understand that some emergencies are unavoidable--therefore you have the possibility of two re-takes.
A: Our testing software has been in successful use for years and has not created a problem yet. In the unlikely event that our hardware (servers, etc.) has a malfunction while you are taking the test, we will work with you on an individual basis, likely allowing you to retake the test or start where you left off. Hardware problems on your end are considered like any other interruption. Very few of our test takers ever have ever experienced this, but if your computer is wonky or unreliable, we suggest you take the exam at a library, cybercafe or on other reliable hardware.
A: Not exactly. Each exam offered to meet the requirement meets the CTC's standards, but each is different. Some are harder, some easier; some require more memorization, some require reading multiple books. USConstitutionExam.com not only provides you with everything you need to pass, it is the only exam you can take when you want, where you want!
A: Absolutely. Let us know what they want, and whom to contact and we will get it to them ASAP.
A: We use the PayPal corporation as our vendor for the payment portal, so they put their name on the button. If you click the "PayPal buy now" button, you will then be given a choice of payment options, including credit card. You certainly do not have to sign up for a PayPal account.
A: No worries: clicking the "Open" button merely opens the site, complete with all the study material. You won't just accidentally stumble into starting the exam. You'll make an affirmative decision to start it when you feel good and ready!
A: No. Any browser on a reliable computer should work fine. If you can read this page, you should be able to take the exam!
Note: We have been alerted that certain recent versions of the browsers Firefox and Chrome cause the exam software to function erratically. Firefox and Chrome are aware of the bug and our tech team is busy creating a work-around. Meanwhile, we recommend our Mac users use Safari. Any browsers other than firefox and chrome should continue to work flawlessly.
A: Unfortunately, because this exam is designed specifically to satisfy a CTC requirement for the teaching credential, no academic credit is offered through NDNU and because it is not an academic course, no academic unit credit is available and no university enrollment is required, no academic transcripts are possible.
Learn more Preparation: The Learning Modules
Why should I take advantage of USConstitutionExam.com?
We make your life easier: forget searching for someplace that offers the exam, remembering test dates, driving to a test center, parking, etc. Take the test from home, at your convenience!
We are flexible: study when you want; take the test when you want.
We are intuitive: no software to install; just click "get started" and you're ready to go!
We are self-contained: Everything you need is here; no stack of textbooks to read, no study guide to spill coffee on. All the study materials and practice quizzes to help you pass the test are included in an easy-to-use, step-by-step format.

We are secure: The latest SSL technology means secure credit card transactions. And your privacy is always secure at USConstitutionExam.com
We have one goal in mind: offer a convenient U.S. Constitution exam, then provide the tools for people of all levels of familiarity with the Constitution to successfully pass the exam.

The quizzes are primarily a learning tool for you to prepare for the final exam. As such, you have unlimited time to complete them, they are "open book", and after each quiz is completed, the correct answers are provided. Prep as much or as little as you need to!
However, participation in the learning module quizzes is required and all of the quizzes must be completed in order to move on to the final exam.
Practice Exam
For those who want extra preparation, there is an optional, ungraded practice test that is timed to give you the feel of the final exam. Questions are of similar difficulty to the final exam
The Exam
The final exam consists of 50 multiple choice/multiple answer questions covering the material in the 7 learning modules.
The final exam is "closed book/closed notes" and It is timed. After 35 minutes the exam will close. There is a clock in the upper right corner of the exam for you to manage your time.

Signing the oath
To begin the exam you are required to sign an oath stating that:
you are the enrolled test taker
you are not receiving help from anyone while taking the exam and
you are using no printed or online materials as aids to complete the exam
Difficulty level
Some of the questions are easy and some are hard. The readings and quizzes will get you prepared and boost your confidence. If you have worked through the learning modules and achieved an understanding of the constitutional principles and provisions, you should do fine.
Certificate of Passing
Your examination is graded and your score presented immediately, and if you pass you can print a personalized Certificate of Passing, which you can submit to your university credentials office, your district or county office of education representative, or directly to the Commission on Teacher Credentialing.
Re-taking the Exam
Even if you study the preparation materials diligently, a passing score is not guaranteed. If your exam responses do not meet the passing standard, you may take the exam 2 more times (no additional fee.) The questions will be different, but of similar format and difficulty. You may also retake the practice test for added confidence.
Satisfactory results are typical, but are not guaranteed. While the vast majority of USConstitutionExam.com participants pass the exam on the first or second try, if your third attempt do not reach the passing standard, in order to maintain the examination's integrity, you will need to find an alternative means of satisfying the statutory requirement (i.e. a college-level course or an exam offered by another University.) The fee would then be considered applied, and unfortunately no refund will be tendered.