The fee for the U.S. Constitution exam and preparation materials is $85. You can pay by credit card, PayPal balance or PayPal e-check system. The charge on your credit card statement will be from "University Assessment Systems"
Payment: We use PayPal as our payment vendor, so after registering, click on the PayPal icon to make any kind of payment. Clicking on the PayPal icon does not mean you need a PayPal account or that you need to sign up for a PayPal account. They simply process your payment. Credit card and PayPal balance payment means immediate access to the exam. (you don't need a PayPal account to pay by credit card) If you use the PayPal e-check system, (withdrawal from bank account) PayPal puts a hold on your exam registration until your e-check is cleared (1 to 5 days).
Please read the policies and click the link below to go to the registration/payment portal, after which you will be taken to the preparation/exam pages.
Note: We we recommend our Mac users use the Safari browser.

This examination is offered for the purpose of Teacher Certification in the State of California by University Assessment Systems (UAS), in association with Notre Dame de Namur University (NDNU). It is the official U.S. Constitution Exam of Notre Dame de Namur University, a WASC-accredited institution of higher education located in Belmont, California.
Because there are no refunds of the exam fee, it is the test-taker's responsibility to determine before registering:

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